Mar 7, 2023Liked by Lee Hedgepeth

I've always enjoyed your reporting. I appreciate you even more for standing up for the people of Alabama, and for your commitment to the truth.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Lee Hedgepeth

Your reporting is refreshing & needed, especially in the state of Alabama where the “Old Boys Club” still reigns supreme. Thank you for your commitment.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Lee Hedgepeth

Thanks for airing the video of the AG. And, CBS has shown their complicity in selective coverage that aligns them with the establishment .

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Lee Hedgepeth

Thank you so much for sharing your story. It's always the good ones that get the short end of the stick. Don't let this deter you from doing what you love to do. I don't know what it is, but He has a plan for you...don't lose sight.

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Lee Hedgepeth

You did the right thing. Don’t ever doubt your impact!

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Lee Hedgepeth

Thank you! You have a new fan and follower here. Please continue your dogged efforts to the truth, and never a glossed version of it!

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Lee Hedgepeth

Thank you sir, appreciate your compassion and honest journalism.. The world definately is in need of more people like you

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Lee Hedgepeth

This city and state desperately needs an organization dedicated to investigative reporting instead of the fluff that we have access to via the local news and Al.com. I am happy you are staying here in Bham and continuing to pursue your passion for journalistic truth here in our city.

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Instances like these are the reasons why those who can leave Alabama, do so! So many untold stories of unfair treatment and injustice, that the state seems to uphold, and the majority of residents seem to comply with. When anyone says anything about it people just say if you do like it then leave...and they do.

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My motto is “If not me then who?” Don’t ever let anyone silence you. These would be the same people to say the Holocaust was just a “holding center” and it was for those people’s protection.

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Subscribed and shared. Keep up the high integrity work.

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He didn’t like the reaction he got from his remark so then it was like oops you weren’t supposed to hear that.

That is so discouraging, for many reasons!

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Rigor Mortis is one of the recognizable signs of death, characterized by stiffening of the limbs of the corpse. In humans, rigor mortis can occur as soon as four hours after death. Typically, it lasts no longer than eight hours at "room temperature". [Wikipedia]

Look how perfectly his head and neck stay aligned with his spine when they lift him. If he's alive in that moment, I'd have to assume he took multiple acting classes on how to pull that off (not to mention built the necessary muscle to do it so perfectly and flawlessly). If he's not alive and the perfect straightness and alignment is due to Rigor Mortis, then one could theorize that, according to the bits above from Wikipedia, he may have died somewhere between 4 and 12 hours before this video (although that mentions room temperature, so I guess theoretically the window of time could be different if he was super cold... unbelievably cold... inexplicably cold, as the folks at the hospital seem to have said he was. I don't know much about literally freezing while alive, but I suppose if it's possible for someone to technically be alive while also their body tissue is so cold that it's hardened stiff, then it's possible that he could be alive in that clip rather than dead in a state of rigor mortis. IDK. It's all very demoralizing to even think about. And to think the officers seem to have lied about him being awake and alert when they left the building, and we would never have known that was a lie if that clip hadn't leaked. Seriously, what the hell?

Hats off to the "leaker" and to Lee and any other honest parties involved in getting closer to the truth on this.

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Appreciate you, man. Hang tough.

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Truth is never wrong. Thank you for being an example of responsible journalism.

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Thanks for supporting Alabamians and reporting the whole truth and not just what Ivey and Marshall will allow to be known.... Oh and a special thanks for exposing cbs42!!

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